
A balanced acquisition policy should be adopted keeping in view the number of users in a particular subject. A record of visitors with their specialty and demand should be maintained to help in a balanced collection of publication in different specialties.
The library committee should formulate basic guidelines for collection development in the library keeping in view the aims and objectives of the concerned institutions/ universities/colleges. Thereafter, the librarians should be authorized to purchase the latest publications according to the guidelines issued by the committee. This will facilitate the constant flow of publications in the library as and when they are published or available in the market. The following guidelines are required to be applied for the success of acquisition policy:

  • On ascertaining the demand, a list of documents may be prepared in consultation with the subject experts. All details such as; number of copies required/recommended by the respective HODs/Departments/Faculty/Students etc. may be recorded on the indent sheets. Proper justification of the concerned authorities/requesters may be noted, if multiple copies are to be procured of a particular item.
  • To ensure the correctness of titles, author, year of publication, volume, edition, publishers and ISBN number etc. various reference tools may be consulted (see: 2.2: Finding resources). Proper scanning and scrutiny be undertaken to rule out the possibilities of unnecessary duplication (see item: 3 Procedure of Document Selection).
  • Total cost involved on acquisition of requested documents be pointed out. It may be ascertained that funds required for the acquisition, should not exceed to allocated funds under the Head: Procurement of Publications for the biennium.
  • A final list of documents with availability of funds be prepared and put up before the Library Committee for their perusal and consideration. The committee is supreme authority for deletion/addition of any item if warranted. If committee desires, the concerned official/subject experts may be called to seek their justification/opinion. Once the list is approved by the Library Committee, it may be passed on to Librarian.
  • Usually Library Committee authorizes the Librarian for procurement of new editions/ volumes in order to update the library collection. In such cases, the librarian is authorized to procure them following the established rules and procedure.
  • Library Committee may authorize to Librarian for purchasing the copies of those publications which are required to be procured in short notice for inspection purposes/users. In such cases, the calling of quotations may be waived. However, it is the responsibility of the Librarian to keep informed the Committee about such instances.
  • The quotations may be called applying the inquiry/tender method or quotation method (For details, see: 5: Choice of the Supplier and Ordering Methods) from the approved vendors for procurement of publications cleared by the Library Committee. At least three quotations may be obtained.
  • A comparative statement of quotations obtained from the vendors be prepared. The three factors; availability, latest publication, and higher discount offered be considered while approving the rates. The Good Offices Committee (GOC) exchange rates be applied for conversion of foreign currencies into Indian Rupee. GOC rates are updated each month.
  • A final list of documents elaborating the net amount needed may be prepared and submitted to competent authority for sanctioning the proposed funds to be incurred on purchase.
  • Purchase authorization (P.O.) be issued as per direction of the Librarian illustrating the all terms and conditions. P.O. may be signed by the Head of the Institution or whosoever is authorized by the Library Committee/Chairman.
  • The documents supplied by the concerned vendor be checked thoroughly to ensure the receipt of ordered items as per terms and conditions stated in the P.O. The documents be accessioned giving all the details as prescribed (16 fields). Call number according to Decimal Classification Scheme (DDC) be noted in the accession register against the respective title. Accession number be recorded in each book. The gross price against each title be recorded in the Accession Register.
  • In case, the prices are given in foreign currencies, G.O.C. exchange rates be applied. Accession number may be noted against each title in the bill. The bill may be passed for payment on ascertaining the satisfactory supply of purchased items as well as verification of prices and discount etc.
  • Technical Processing of the Document acquired by the Library:
    • Document be classified according to DDC.
    • Catalogue cards be prepared using AACR II (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules). Three different cards viz. author, title and subject be prepared for a document and filed under each separately in alphabetical order in Library Catalogue Cabinet.
    • Library Stamp be put on each book. The stamp should not be put on print area.
      Accession number be recorded at the specific place provided in the Library Stamp and under this, the date of purchase and price etc. be noted.
    • On the title page Book number be recorded.
    • Library Stamp with accession number be recorded on secret page notified by the Librarian.
    • Book slip, spine label, and book pocket be pasted at the appropriate places as per library rules and procedures.