- All publications be charged at the counter and shown to the Janitor before taking them out of the library. Copies of periodical issues, reference and multi-volume books, recent arrivals, annual reports, thesis, CDs, DVDs and out of print books are not loaned out for home readings. These are exclusively meant for consultation. Remaining publications are issued for a period of one week or as specified on the date slip. The copies of such publications are issued strictly on Borrower’s Card only. The Library Officials may recall books at any time and the borrower must return books immediately when called upon to do so. Lending books will be given on loan for a period of one week and may be borrowed during the following working hours:
Monday – Saturday 8.30 a.m. – 7.00 p.m
- A borrower is responsible for a book as long as his Borrower Card remain un-cancelled. Books borrowed by one reader must be returned to the library to be reissued at the Circulation Desk.
- Borrower Cards are not transferable. Loss of a Borrower Card be reported to the Circulation Desk immediately. Duplicates be issued only after verification of loss and on a payment of Rs. 50/- for a lost Card.
- Borrower Cards be renewed during the period indicated by library. A notice to this effect be displayed at the Library Notice Board.
- Issue of books is stopped half-an-hour before the closing time.
- Sending reminders to defaulters is not obligatory on the part of library. If books are not returned in due time, the borrower’s card is to be marked with “X”. After three such marks the library membership is to be cancelled and the concerned user as well as Head of the Department be intimated accordingly. A fine of Rs. 5.00 per day for the first two weeks and Rs. 10.00 per day thereafter be imposed in respect of each book not returned by due date.
- Reference and latest publications added to the library are not issued. However, as a special case, these can be issued with the prior permission of Librarian/ Dean on Identity Card.
- Bound volumes of periodicals are not issued. Loose issue of periodicals may be issued with prior permission of Librarian/Dean for over night as a special case. However, if borrowed copy of a periodical issue is lost, the cost of whole volume with fine (Rs. 500.00) be charged from the borrower.
- Copies of thesis are not issued. These are meant for consultation only.
VC's Message
![]() INFORMATION SERVICES have become an essential infrastructure facility for supporting .. Read more Dr. Shashank DalviVice Chancellor, MGMIHS