The Central Library has purchased LibSys 4: Library management software for 20,000 unique entries for multiple users for computerizing the library activities of the following MGM campus libraries using local area network:
- MGM College of Business Management
- MGM College of Computer Sciences & Information Technology
- MGM College of Engineering. & Technology
- MGM College of Nursing
- MGM College of Physiotherapy
- MGM Dental College
- MGM Florence Nightingale Institute of Nursing Education
- MGM Institute of Management Studies & Research
- MGM Medical College
- MGM School of Biomedical Sciences
- MGM School of Health Management Studies
Existing Position
52590 books and monographs of campus libraries have been computerized. Out of these, more than 19,000 books and monographs belong to libraries of health and allied sciences. It is submitted that:
- for preserving the data, a server (IBM x 3400 server, 8 GB RAM, 146 x 2 HDD SAS) has been installed exclusively for the libraries located within the campus maintained/updated by the professionally qualified staff.
- software contains the comprehensive bibliographical descriptions of a publication such as; accession date and number; author/editor/corporate author; title, edition; volume number, if any; place and publishers’ name; year of publication; pages; series; ISBN number; subject and subject-code; call number; price; vendor’s name; invoice number and date, number of volumes; and price of each volume and source of acquisition, etc.
- with a view to facilitate health and allied personnel to retrieve the requisite document(s) timely and pin-pointedly, using LibSys database, Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) has been used. MeSH is the US National Library of Medicine’s controlled vocabulary thesaurus used for indexing the documents dealing on health and allied sciences.
- the status of publications such as; withdrawn, written off, damaged copies, copy missing, issued to Department Libraries etc. have been recorded in library software.
- the search results are displayed in a list of titles with author, publication year and call no. For a selected title, complete details along with the number and status of copies are given. Searches may be narrowed by specifying a period of publication, restricting them to particular types of document(s), selecting on shelf or all (items) and specific location or all locations.
- subject bibliographies may be prepared on demand.